Apocalypse: The Book Everyone Should Read…

When evil dominates the world and imposes its abominable laws it is really difficult to become champions of justice by telling those who still live in the dark, those truths never told because those in power have cowardly betrayed the trust that the people had granted them. However it is even more difficult to understand to what extent it is possible to demolish years of history and civilization that had forged democratic societies so coveted by sociologists, philosophers and spiritual teachers who, from era to era, have tried to curb with their teachings that drift that we are experiencing today with a pandemic attack on all of humanity.

In truth, in all these millennia of history where good and evil have taken turns to show man that duality always finds its magic formula in that ONE who is none other than the “Great Universal Soul”, today those same men, divided by the iniquitous law of a satanic power (Divide et Impera) can still find each other, recognize and love each other in this great eternal and divine Reality as many masters have not only recounted, but also experienced. This was the message of the Master named Jesus who revolutionized history with his preaching and example, choosing suffering and death rather than surrender and life.

What is this introduction aimed at if not to make all those who have come across the fear of an unexpected and unsuspecting pandemic aware that evil, having survived history, often returns in the same terms to try once again to weaken men in their will and finally subjugate them with his perverse laws? That same fear that unrepentant demons unleashed against man in the two world wars has returned stronger than before, allied with the same diabolical will of unscrupulous masters who we never would have imagined could still rage against man today to induce millions of people to choices never imagined so as to border on a psychological as well as physical holocaust!

Coronavirus italia un anno di Covid-19. www.altalex.com/documents/news/2021/03/09/un-anno-di-covid-19-evoluzione-normativa-e-involuzione-sociale

This is why challenging today’s globalists truly requires conscious heroism especially when reason meditates on the philosophy of Christian love that overcomes evil and sees beauty in every creature. The courage to forget danger, blackmail and even death has happened  for many  who preferred to choose to listen to their own conscience, rather than lie, arises precisely from the awareness of being part of that ONE where all those values coexist Humanity has codified in terms such as justice, forgiveness, love, truth, compassion… values that are found not only in Christianity but in all other spiritual realities because, according to the law of ONE, everything returns to the same source . Good and evil neutralize each other and only give rise to LIGHT. This means that when evil snakes its way through the most corrupt societies, man can still experience the light through the awareness of being himself Light; because it is with the Light that evil is overcome. Light is truth and truth is light! Without the truth, man cannot enlighten his mind nor can he save himself from the wickedness of the demons who want to subjugate him and destroy him with poisons passed off as life-saving vaccines.

Giuseppe-de-donno-morto.jpg (https://www.open.online/2021/07/28/giuseppe-de-donno-morto-teorie-del-complotto)

On the basis of this truth which is not only the certainty of profound faith, but also scientific certainty, Dr. Massimo Citro was confronted with the painful reality that has devastated civil society in our country and in all the other countries of the world because, according to the plans established by the “Globalist Elite”, the pandemic attack necessarily had to involve the entire planet to subsequently impose the “New World Order”.

Therefore, Dr. Citro’s book, “Apocalypse”, in its search for the truth, can be a revealing book useful for any citizen of the world who, like the Italian citizen, has had to experience the same psychological ordeal represented by the fear of death. Yes, that fear that the masses experienced, unaware that what was happening to them was nothing more than the biggest scam of the century: inoculating false and dangerous vaccines using, as a pretext, an influenza caused by a laboratory-engineered virus called Covid 19.

With a profound missionary spirit, Dr. Citro tries to make readers participate in his own research because, through his path, albeit with a scientific language, the reader can understand how far the big pharmaceutical companies have gone to realize that project of death born from the diabolical will of a group of powerful billionaires who have been secretly working behind the scenes for more than two centuries to bring to completion that One World Government where only one Dictator is expected to govern in the guise of a false GOD.

In the first pages of his book, Dr.Massimo Citro exposes the truth about the powerful groups that arrogantly established how this world should be governed, shaped and  genetically modified for the improvement of human race and at the same time, without any shame, expose the weak, children and the elderly to death through false vaccinations. We are establishing another model of society not unlike the one wanted by the Nazis in the Second World War which envisaged the elimination of the unelected and therefore inferior race.


In the book “Apocalypse” Dr. Citro exposes all the lies that our Government has fully supported to continue the extermination project to be implemented through Agenda by 2030. There are five chapters dedicated to Lies: the lie about the Virus, about tests, on the Health Emergency, on the Lack of Care and on vaccines. An important chapter is dedicated to Hydroxychloroquine, the drug that could have saved millions of people but which the Italian National Health Service (the same in other countries) deliberately concealed to prevent Covid 19 patients from recovering. With truly commendable courage, Dr. Citro under the title of the book: “Apocalypse” writes: “They let them die”. This latter declaration is nothing more than a real accusation against health institutions and the Government for not having implemented the treatment protocols as they had emerged from the studies that the European Commission had already started in 2005. Since this is the case, if had the infected been treated promptly, at home, and correctly, we would have had the normal influenza mortality rate on average with all other years. The cures were there, since the first SARS, and they were in the studies.

The other big scam has been falsifying studies or studies financed by industry or other agencies always connected to Mr. William Gates, which therefore deprive published studies of any credibility and scientific value. Reading the truth about Covid, vaccines, and everything that has been imposed on us is like taking a liberating journey because only by knowing, you can be master of yourself and start a therapeutic path which, according to Dr Citro, is possible, unlike the false narratives that TV, newspapers and especially politicians tell. The journey in “Apocalypse”, that is, in the world of truth about the pandemic and vaccines, becomes a purifying journey because as one ventures into the details, the tensions subside, the mind calms down, the unjustified and persecutory restrictions, the blackmail, and the confinements suffered with the lockdowns become a past to be forgotten  in the minds of readers, especially when the wars between Pro Vax and NO Vax citizens emerge.

There is only one truth that triumphs: the truth that Covid 19 was not as dangerous as the false vaccines, more properly called serums were and still are, completely far from the classic procedure according to which patients were injected with a real weakened virus which would have provoked a defensive reaction and rendered the same patient immune for life. Furthermore, the classic vaccine was not repeated several times as is still happening all over the world with the mRNA “gene serum” whose doses seem to never end and whose effects could be lethal.


Dr. Citro therefore told the truth with the competence and certainty that arise from his experience as a research doctor, a conscientious scholar, a scientist and above all a doctor who has profound respect for his patients to whom he dedicates himself with profound humanity and professionalism. Testimony of what Dr. Citro said was made by 1500 international doctors who in February 2021 signed a document and sent it to 30 governments of the world, including Italy; a long letter in which world-famous doctors expressed the truth about Covid 19 and insistently asked to eliminate the lockdowns and the masks, not to close shops and schools, but to resume life normally. President Mattarella and the then Prime Minister J. Conte ignored the letter from the aforementioned doctors.

But dr. Citro recounts that the destabilization of the world and of Italy in particular had only one purpose: to carry forward the project of enslavement of all countries to a single World Government, that project which, like Dr. Citro noted, has now become so apparent that fighting it to its defeat should be the true goal of all free peoples on earth. In fact, heartfelt and gritty is his appeal to all Italians and Europeans to find the strength to react and not passively suffer the evil that is inflicted on them. These are the pages where the patriotic soul of the man Citro, prevails and  is not separated from the vibration of the heart.

Dr. Citro’s entire book  is full of quotes from personalities from the world of culture, medicine and history, is pervaded by a feeling of justice, of redemption from the lies, propaganda, conditioning and blackmail that the governments themselves have adopted towards their fellow citizens. One wonders how it was possible that almost all the Governments of the world and in particular the Italian Government, allowed a petty psychopath named William Gates (see pages dedicated to him), to be  able to finance and manage an extermination extending it, with unusual cruelty, to children and even newborns. These are the pages where the doctor’s soul vibrates with tenderness in wanting to defend the innocence of children who are unable to decide for themselves.


However, also a soul capable of rebellion and contempt for corrupt men who have not had the dignity and courage to express their dissent towards a program where the real objective was and is to indiscriminately exterminate the peoples of the earth to allow a handful of billionaire parasites to own the entire planet as private property. It would take too long to report all the cultural and scientific potential of which the book “Apocalypse” is rich; a potential that spurs the reader to the curiosity of knowing what, how and why we are living in a period of anguished uncertainty, a period that will certainly go down in history as the greatest biological warfare inflicted on humanity. As David Sorensen writes on his website, “Stop World Control”: “Evil is allowed to show its ugly head, so that humanity would finally wake up, ….. If this wouldn’t happen, we would still be blind. The world has to see the true face of evil, behind the scenes of our governments, media, health care, judiciary, and so on. It has to become visible , it has to be seen, in order to take it down.” That’s exactly what Dr. Citro is trying to do with his books: to make evil visible so that not only the Italian people but also all other peoples, finally free from the destructive emotions of fear, can courageously face their daily battles against a diabolical ruling power.

Elena Quidello