Italy is Dying

Enough with the Politically correct! I think it’s time to tell the truth about Italy.  And..the truth is that Italy is dying. Itali is litterally dying because the US Deep State and the Committee of 300 (lobbyists), years ago, decided all together that Italy had to die. John Coleman an English officer who worked for an intelligence agency in the United States and reported the conspiracy plans against Italy, wrote  this in his book: HIERARCHY OF CONSPIRATORS: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300 (lobbyists).Today, in fact, we are really witnessing the death of  Italian economy, which is the real goal of the Deep State’s plan realized by means of repeated lock-downs to Italian commercial activities. Now, weather the virus really exists or not, (our great Italian Nobel doctors uncovered the lies behind the false pandemia about this coronavirus) the real truth is that the Deep State is spreading terror not only among  Italian and European peoples but also everywhere in the world in order to dominate the entire planet with  their evil power. Obviously, the Project to kill Italy was implemented by the false cooperation of three Italian notorious traitors: three major  hit men: Prodi, Monti and Draghi who are responsible for destroying  Italian welfare by selling off the best industries and banks to international financial speculators.

Trump said he loves Italy, but let me say how angry and sad I am to see a great country like Italy, my country, which, after being one of the largest empires in the ancient world, a center of civilization; after having inspired young generations towards democracy and humanistic justice with the institution of The Roman Law, now this great country of mine, Italy, is dying;

the Trayan emperor and his empire 117 AD

and her death is a slow and inexorable agony due to the betrayal  of a dull political party, of an incapable and cowardly government, which, recently, with a referendum vote, has thrown its glorious history into the garbage, thus erasing the democratic spirit of our Italian Constitution: the only one that could still defend Italian citizens’ freedom and rights.

Of course, the majority of Italians is  against this Govenment and personally I accuse this government run by  corrupt politicians because none of them told the truth about the dramatic conditions of our country; . The TRUTH is that our  Italian  President did nothing to defend  our nation and our fair Constitution, but always  supported  those left wing politicians who are  responsible for sharing the criminal plans of the deep State in Italy. Furthermore,  he did not listen to the voice of millions of Italians who took to the streets to demand fair elections in order to change this corrupt Government never elected by  the Italian People but imposed by a dictatorial  leadership in tune with the interests of the US  Deep State.

(Foto: The Merry Conspirators’ Government. None of them was elected by the Italians.)

As a consequence  I cannot but accuse this  president  and his  abusive  left Governmet  because they never took concrete action to liberate the country from uncontrolled and illegal mass immigration, in accordance with George Soros’ criminal project, whose goal is to create a chaotic, unstable society in permanent conflict with the already established foreign mafia. Again  I accuse this president and all those mean politicians who sold the country to international speculators without the sovereign consent of the Italian people, thus pushing the nation towards a terrible economic decline and towards a permanent dictatorship. Finally, I accuse this president and all the left ‘Caste’ for having dragged Italy into the deepest financial abyss. Today, after years of silence, lies and terrorism (remember the Red Brigades in the 70s and 80s?) , well, THE TRUTH has come to light, and this truth begs us to remain united because if we are divided  we will always be losers. This is a law of physics: the law of UNITY, the law of God “, the law that even David Rocklfeller was afraid of when he wrote these words against Humanity:” .. we will keep them separated from UNITY through dogma and religion. … We will always hide from them the divine truth that we are all ONE. Jesus himself preached: “I and the Father are ONE”. Why?  Because when we are united, a very powerful force develops, capable of defeating one’s enemies. This is why the demons of the Deep State have always used the Division Strategy to keep peoples and countries apart. “Divide et Impera”, the ancient Romans used to say, and this is what the Deep State has always done and still does. It divides countries, politicians and parties so as to keep them constantly at war with one another. Of course, even in Italy the division between parties strengthens our enemies  and exposes the country to invasion and submission. So  I cannot but accuse   also the Deep State’s plans whose goal is to enslave the world according to its New World Order which is nothing else but a totalitarian Communism, even worse than the one the Russian people experienced under the Bolshevik revolution, Stalinism, and other people in Asian countries; all influenced by  the Deep State’s Hit men- Unfortunately the wars waged by the Deep Styate in these last decades in Yemen, Siria, Libia, Iraq, Afghanistan as well as all the coup d’etè  in South America,  Africa.. helped spread the nomination that The US is a satanic country, totally in accord with the Isis terrorists responsible of killings and màssacres. Neverthless the American people are simply victims of such a huge power that secretly established the law of the strongest against the weakest and poorest.

I love american people but I can’t but accuse the American Deep State because, by the strategy of dividing peoples they draw the strength  to feed their cruelty, their thirst for power, their tyranny and all those diabolical acts of violence to exterminate peoples, destroy towns and cities, plunder the wealth of other nations, rob the american people as well. And this is not all. They use deceit, lies, corruption, threats  to assassinate presidents, political dissidents, journalists, scientists and even prestigious prelates.

In this way, with the usurious (iusu’rios) power of money printed out of thin air on waste paper, they attack countries who do not obey their orders . Furthermore, under the criminal pretext of spreading democracy and peace, they have deceived European countries with a dream that has become a nightmare: namely, a European Union which after 40 years from its institution has never become a free and independent United States of Europe.(Foto sopra- Draghi: Saint Dragon”, the one who sold Italy in 1992 on the Britannia  namely the Queen Yacht; he was awarded for destroying Italy by becoming the president of the EU Bank)

Today the UE  is  only a jumble of states to which a private bank BCE, with a perverse mechanism, lends  money in debt and demands back  billions of interests, thus  creating  a never ending debt, as it happened to Italy whose debt cannot be paid off in a lifetime.  This way, countries become poorer and poorer in Europe as well as in the rest of the world, leaving the robbed countries to starvation.

(Foto:  Covid vaccine for politicians only. Giuseppe Conte first)

Now, the Rockfellers and  Bill Gates want to reduce populations by means of a poisonous vaccine;  a crime that will cry out for vengeance in the sight of God. We are not too many on this planet, the point is that the Deep State wants to keep  hundred % of all the riches in the world  and doesn’t want to share not even a piece of bread with the billions of people  who have the same right of the Deep State to breath the divine air that is around us.

The Deep State is a Pyramidal structure, a secret Kazara Mafia at the top of which  there is a diabolical tyrant who, under the pretext of establishing  a New World Order, will build as many Nazi-type extermination camps as those already existing, built during Bush administration in the USA.

There, the new Nazi rulers will lock up all the desperate poor in the world who cannot compete with the capitalists, namely with the so-called Elite to whom, I guess,  an evil god granted them the power to establish a totalitarian  dictatorship to rule  over a mass of slave.

Now, if Trump says America First, I would also like to say: Italy first? Meaning that the Italians  want to be the first to  live peacefully , to be respected, to be free and most of all, independent from foreign conditioning.  I believe that all countries in the world would like to be the first. Non in a battle field but in the field of peace  in tune with the up-mentioned human values.

Now,  my question is: Will Trump save Italy from the slavery of a world dictatorship? Who knows! Trump denounces electoral fraud by Democrats and he might not be the new president at the White House.

If Trump fails the whole world is in danger. On the other side, the criminal Shadow Government (bankers and lobbies) want to reset the world according to their own interests. Yet, I believe that the only “reset”  the world really needs is the promotion of peace among all the governments of this planet; but at the same time, we need  the creation of a World United Force to fight our common evil, namely, those Kazarian  bloody gentlemen who finance terrorism, foment wars for their criminal purposes and threaten politicians in  many other nations to gain their obedience. (let’s always remember the murder of Aldo Moro in Italy in  late seventies). If we don’t want to succumb  to the threats of the Deep State, we must courageously dialogue with Putin… His appeals to the UN have always been based on wisdom, rationality, non-aggression and in favor of peace. Russia is part of Europe and we should all be proud to have a militarily strong neighbor respectful of Christianity;  that Christianity which was violently snatched from the devotion of the Russian peasant masses with the advent of Bolshevism and Stalinism both financed by the same Deep State of that time.

Today, Russian’s Christian faith represents a cohesive force that makes us Italians all  brothers in the name of our common  Master named Jesus, whose teachings rest on the certainty that our Universe is governed by an immense intelligent energy  or, spiritually speaking, by the ‘Holy Spirit’, namely, by God; a force that we all possess within us since we were born.  In fact, the Essence of God is Love, namely, the force that creates the miracle of life every day. That’s why  Christians believe that every single human life is sacred.
In the last century the Russian people saw thousands of churches burned, and today  in Europe, as in other parts of the world, hundreds of Christian churches and Cathedrals are set on fire, not to mention the atrocious persecutions under the command of occùlt powers that have decreed the end of Christianity by attacking innocent people, Christian symbols and traditions. Therefore, both Russia and Europe are victims of the same criminal hands. (? )However the way forward for the future can only be an alliance between Russia and the  United States  bypassing the Shadow Government, namely, all those malefic people  who since the Bolshevik revolution, worked to keep Eastern and Western Europe separate. In your country , they worked in the shadow to keep control of all American citizens, by using  money and banks crisis whenever they  needed to increase their monetary power. Despite  Russian intervention had been decisive for defeating Germany in World War II, the Deep State, after having challenged Russia in a long cold war, has never  given up on attacking her,  If the Deep State has not yet waged war, this is due to Trump presidency.  If Trump fails, the destiny of the world will be marked by frightening wars, as there will certainly be countries that will not join the project called ‘RESET’, simply because ‘Reset’ is a social operation that aims to destroy peoples  strengthening  the hegemony of the dominant power, namely the kazara world  Mafia.

Now  to all American patriots I would like  to say :please never stop fighting for freedom! Do fight  as your brave fathers did when they entered the New Land looking for freedom. Let us work together to stop these bloody people from killing  Democracy and liberty everywhere. That liberty and Democracy which George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Lincoln, J. Kennedy  and the spiritual leader Martin Luther King  fought for. IFinally, we Trust God; may His infinite love save the world from Dictatorship.

Quidello Elena